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Virginia Beach Economic Development


Facade Improvement Grant (FIG) Application

The FIG program provides support to existing small business owners with less than 50 employees located on any commercially or industrially zoned property.

The grant funds must be used for new projects that make a visible, demonstrable improvement to the exterior of a building or property, such as façades, fencing, signage or landscape improvements.

Applicant Information

Business Information

Is the business woman, minority or veteran owned?

Applicant Representative


Applicant Address

Project Information

Property Owner Information

Are you the owner of the property?

Property Owner Contact Information

Owner's Full Name


Required Application Attachments

NOTE: Your application will not be considered without this supporting information.

  1. Completed W-9 Form.

  2. Description of the project with elevations, site plan(s), drawings, photographs of the building and/or other supporting materials that accurately represent the scope and intent of project improvements.

  3. Third party cost estimates for the project, including design fees, permits, construction, materials and fabrication costs. Contractors must be licensed, bonded and insured.

  4. If Applicant is a tenant, a letter from the property owner, signed and dated, authorizing this application and project improvements must be obtained and submitted.

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